Monday, January 20, 2014


“Do you say that tree isn't pretty cause it doesn't look like that tree? We're all trees. You're a tree. I'm a 

tree. You've got to love your body, Eve. You've got to live your tree. Love your tree.” 

                                                                                                             ― Eve Ensler

Our world is filled with products, images that cause us to believe that we are not good enough just the way we are. Our minds seem permeable to this message. I was definitely susceptible to the bombardment of thinner is better. When and why was the idea put on the table that women should not worship their natural body and instead try to fit into an image that is not them. Why is it when our world seems to be out of control, our body becomes the scapegoat. We, now the tyrant begin to restrict, pinch and cringe at what our body is lacking. You can look at any magazine on the stands and get a clear idea of what our society is telling us. For the younger generation, who have not yet fully formed their identity...this message is dangerous. Suddenly our body becomes separate from us and is now our own science experiment. Do not allow yourself to be bound to these thoughts. Love your body, it deserves to be worshiped. 

One of my favorite candies were snickers bars. Chocolate, peanuts, caramel, nougat....oh, its heaven! What isn't heavenly about snickers are the ingredients. They are filled with refined sugars and hydrogenated oils. Since I believe that my body is a temple and deserves only the best, snickers do not fall into that category. But, GUESS WHAT?!?! I have created the most delicious, raw, super healthy snickers bars that blow your factory produced, candy shelf snickers out of the water!! Boom! You can thank me later. :)

These raw candy bars are filled with super nutritious ingredients. 

Medjool Dates : Call me a snob but medjool dates have won my heart and are the only dates that I will use. They tend to find their way in most all of my desserts and for good reason. They are a perfect alternative to sugar. Dates are soft, incredibly versatile and have a natural caramel flavor. Dates are a good source of fiber and have high amounts of potassium, magnesium, copper and manganese. 

Cacao : If I haven't already praised the glorious cacao plant on here, I will now. Cacao is without a doubt my number one, most favorite superfood. Cacao contains some of the best and highest amounts of magnesium found in nature. Along with magnesium, cacao contains high amounts of copper, zinc, iron and calcium. According to the ORAC scale (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), cacao contains more antioxidants than blueberries, green tea, red wine and goji berries. Basically, cacao is amazing. Eat it!


SNICKERS BARS / Makes 10 candies

Nougat Layer

1/2 cup buckwheat groats
1/2 cup almonds
1/4 cup flax seeds, ground
2 tsp. natural peanut butter
1 tsp honey, raw
pinch sea salt

Caramel Layer

8 Mejool dates, soaked

Raw Chocolate

1/3 cup cacao butter
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/3 cup raw cacao powder
pinch of sea salt


Soak the dates in a bowl of water and set aside while you make the nougat layer.

To make the nougat layer, add the buckwheat groats, 1/4 cup of almonds, the ground flax seeds and salt in a food processor. Mix until it forms a flour. Add in the peanut butter and honey. Blend until the mixture starts to stick together. I ended up having to add about a tablespoon of water so that it would stick together. Once you are able to roll some of the nougat into a ball than it's ready. Take the nougat out of the food processor and put into a bowl. Roughly chop 1/4 cup of almonds and add them to the nougat. Mix it together and roll into small logs. You can make them however big you want. I made 10 small candies. After you have the nougat rolled out into individual candies, place them in the freezer while you make the caramel.

To make the caramel, simply put the soaked dates in the food processor. Blend until it forms a paste. Take the nougat rolls out of the freezer and spread the date caramel on top of the nougat. Place them back in the freezer while you make the chocolate.

To make the chocolate, set up a double broiler. I just filled a pot with water and placed a glass bowl on top. Add the cacao butter to the bowl and over low heat, allow the cacao butter to melt. Once it has melted, add the maple syrup, cacao powder and salt. Mix it all together and taste. If you want to adjust the sweetness you can add more maple syrup or to make it less sweet you can add some more cacao powder. 

Get the candies out of the freezer and one by one, dip them in the chocolate. Place the chocolate covered candies back in the freezer to harden. Then eat them all!!! And enjoy every bite :)


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